Lawrence G. Miller

Lawrence G. Miller

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Just for Educators

From time to time, I want to share some best practices, new technologies, and proven strategies for enhancing teaching and learning.  I know how frustrating it can be for teachers to try to keep up with the many great ideas that are a potential solution for their challenges in the classroom.  As a candidate for the Tennessee House of Representatives District 26, I want to be a passionate advocate for improving education throughout our state and at all levels.  Remember, I have spent most of my professional career engaged in teaching and learning.

Two of the most exciting concepts that are gaining a lot of traction are Project Based Learning (PBL) and the concept of The Flipped Classroom.  I will have more on PBL, but if you want to explore this concept right away, I recommend checking out The Buck Institute for Education's Website.  

Have you heard about "Flipping the Classroom?"  I came across this video with science teacher Aaron Sams that is a great overview of the concept.  

For more, I recommend reading a short article by Andrew Miller (no relation) on Edutopia - 5 Best Practices for the Flipped Classroom.

Aaron Sams and some of his cohorts have created a Blog "Flipped Learning" that is worth following.

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